Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Aseos de Caballo

Wednesday, November 4, 2009 (Congrats on one year, Obama!)

PRESENTATION! Will and I went first, which was good. I think he talked for…about 25 minutes and I talked for a little over 10. I have no idea how that happened, but our teacher said she really liked it and that we had a lot of good information! (Thank you Florian and Victor!) The other groups that went were only about 10 or 15 minutes total, so that was a bit awkward. I’m just glad we had TOO much information rather than too little. Plus after class our Professora said that time is no issue! Woot! I’m just glad that’s done, so now I can focus on studying for midterms. Joy. Oh, and our Professora also laughed about this one type-o that Will had on one of his slides. It said “Aseos de Caballo” (literally meaning bathrooms of horses) instead of “Paseos de Caballo” (walks of horses/horse riding). Har har…us Americans are so funny with our type-os. J

On our way back from class today, this random older lady stopped us in the street and said “sois de aqui?” (are you guys from here?). She didn’t look like she was a lost tourist or anything, but we were like: no, sorry we’re just students. She seemed surprised but went on her way. I still have no idea what she wanted from us, but it’s always nice to be mistaken for locals. I guess my fast-growing blonde roots haven’t given me away yet! Haha. Which reminds me, I should go dye it again!

Well, I’m off to find some colloquial phrases for tomorrow’s class! Maybe I should ask Florian and Victor again! Nah, they’d probably tell me to say something rude, haha.

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