Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Germs and German

Ugh. I’m getting sick again! I really hope it goes away before Morocco! I went and bought some medicine…the same stuff everyone else had bought when they were sick, so hopefully that helps. Though…it sorta makes you sleep all the time. I haven’t done any homework yet today! Yikes! Today classes went super slow. It was quite unfortunate. Though, we did get our exams back in Literature. I got a 9.75! Score. Let’s just hope I can keep that up throughout the rest of the semester…

Oh and today I thought I started understanding German. Well first of all, I was a bit confused as to why my Mariangeles was speaking German to us, but then found out it’s actually a Spanish word. It’s just “FIJAOS”, but I’ve never actually seen it written down, and it sounds like “fee-how-ohs”. German, right? Nope. It just means “y’all, pay attention”. No wonder she uses it all the time.

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